Tony Heming - Business Rates

Business Rates

The Rateable Value of a commercial premises is assessed as the Market Rent at a set date. The current assessments are based on the 2010 revaluation and assume an antecedent valuation date of April 2008.

We appreciate that Business Rates are a significant cost to any commercial occupier and can undertake a review of your premises to establish whether in our opinion the current assessment is excessive. If this is deemed to be the case, we can appeal on your behalf. This is done on a no win no fee basis, with our remuneration based on a percentage of the saving.

Historically, this sector of the profession has been the subject of unscrupulous firms giving poor advice. We believe in Openness and Transparency and abide by the RICS Rating Consultancy Code of Practice.

tony heming - chartered surveyors Springfield
Fretherne Lane

T: 01452 741 826
M: 07770 266 959

kurt wyman - surveyors and property agents